Bedford to Cambridge by train

  • First train
  • Last train
  • Avg changes
  • Fastest journey
    1hr 49m
  • Distance
    43 kilometres
  • Trains per day
  • Avg. journey time
    2hr 24m
  • Train operators

Travelling from Bedford to Cambridge by train

Want to know how to get from Bedford to Cambridge by train? We have gathered for you all the useful information about this trip!

The fastest trains from Bedford to Cambridge take around 1 hour and 49 minutes, covering a distance of approximately 43 kilometres.

On weekdays, the first train leaving Bedford is scheduled to depart at around 07:10. The last departure is usually at around 22:45. On Saturdays and Sundays, trains leave Bedford at around 06:38, with the last train leaving at around 23:40. There are frequent services on this particular rail route. On average, there are about 76 trains per day travelling between the two cities. They leave approximately every 8 minutes.

Prices for a single ticket between the two cities start from US$43.72.

We think any time is a great time to visit Cambridge, as each season has its own unique charm. Nevertheless, please make sure you check the local weather and average seasonal temperatures at destination before deciding on your holiday.

For more tips to help you plan your journey, check out our help articles, or read our guide to Cambridge.

Is there a direct train from Bedford to Cambridge?

How long does it take to travel from Bedford to Cambridge?

The Bedford to Cambridge train travel takes about 1 hour and 49 minutes, no matter when you leave.

What are the Bedford to Cambridge train times and schedule?

If you're travelling on a weekday, you'll find the earliest train to Cambridge leaving Bedford at around 07:10 and the last train leaving at around 22:45. At weekends, the first train of the day leaves Bedford at around 06:38, with the final departure at 23:40.

When should you book your train tickets from Bedford to Cambridge?

Trains in the UK usually open for booking around 3 months in advance. If booking is not yet open for your travel dates, you can set a booking alert and you'll receive an email as soon as the cheapest tickets are released for your train journey.

Help with booking alerts

Which train companies operate between Bedford and Cambridge?

More than one train company operates on the route from Bedford to Cambridge, so you’ll be travelling with one or more of the following rail operators:

  • Abellio Greater Anglia
  • East Midlands Railway
  • East Midlands Trains
  • Great Northern
  • London Underground
  • Thameslink
  • UK Rail Connections

You can check which train you’ll be travelling on by looking for the train name in search results.

Cambridge to Bedford by train

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Child and youth passengers

The definition of "Child" and "Youth" varies by country and operator. This is why we ask for the age of young passengers.

Sometimes children below a certain age can travel without a seat for free. If you want to guarantee a seat for child passengers, enter '6' as the age of the child.

Read more about child and youth passenger ages. See also youth discounts and railcards.